Convert your website visitors with
AI Sales Agent

Hire your own AI conversion agent equipped with knowledge about your products and services. Turn more visitors into leads 24/7 by offering value props, building an email list, and more!

Try It!

Replace your lead generation forms with AI agent

Service category

What kind of services are you interested in?

Welcome to XYZ consulting. What can I help you?

Do you offer an accounting service?

Yes we do! We offer a full range of accounting services, and our value proposition centers around these three key pillars:

  • Accuracy: ...
  • Expertise: ...
  • Personalized Support: ...

Can I download the white paper?

Absolutely! To get started, will you please provide your email address?

Interaction boosts conversion

Tutorial Video

Instant Setup

Gista effortlessly learns about your business by simply uploading knowledge in the form of PDF, CSV, or other text formats.
Instant Setup

Personalized Instructions

Configure your AI agent with precise instructions. Prefer a friendly tone over corporate? Absolutely. Tailor your style and preferences with ease.

Have an international clientele? Rest assured, our chatbot speaks 80 languages.

Personalized Instructions

Blended Elegance

Our sleek, translucent chatbot widget seamlessly integrates with your brand. Dark mode? No worries, we’ve got it covered.
Blended Elegance

Integrate with your favorite platforms

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